KULTUR Installation Guide ========================= KULTUR provides preview-oriented abstract pages and slideshows for multimedia EPrints repositories. Contents -------- 1 - Requirements 2 - Preparing for Installation 3 - Installing KULTUR 3 - Configuring KULTUR 4 - KULTUR Slideshow 1 Requirements -------------- KULTUR requires EPrints 3.3 or later, correctly configured to generated image, video and audio previews. NOTE KULTUR no longer generates video/audio previews as this function is now built in to EPrints 3.3. 2 Preparing for installation ---------------------------- Download KULTUR and unpack in a convenient location (eg. /tmp/kultur). $ cd /tmp/kultur $ tar xzf kultur-X.X-XXX.tar.gz 3 Installing KULTUR ------------------- Run the following as the user that EPrints runs as, usually "eprints": $ cd /tmp/kultur $ cp -R perl_lib/* /opt/eprints3/perl_lib/ For each repository that will use KULTUR: $ cp -R local_cfg/* /opt/eprints3/archives/ARCHIVEID/ 4 Configuring KULTUR -------------------- In /opt/eprints3/perl_lib/EPrints.pm make the following change: ... use EPrints::Script; use EPrints::Script::Compiler; use EPrints::Script::Compiled; use EPrints::Script::Kultur; # Add this line For each repository that will use KULTUR: Review the list of deposit types in /opt/eprints3/archives/ARCHIVEID/cfg/cfg.d/kultur.pl. These are the types for which KULTUR will create preview-oriented abstract pages. Make the following change to /opt/eprints3/archives/ARCHIVEID/cfg/cfg.d/eprint_render.pl: $c->{eprint_render} = sub { my( $eprint, $repository, $preview ) = @_; my $succeeds_field = $repository->get_repository->get_dataset( "eprint" )->get_field( "succeeds" ); my $commentary_field = $repository->get_repository->get_dataset( "eprint" )->get_field( "commentary" ); my $flags = { has_multiple_versions => $eprint->in_thread( $succeeds_field ), in_commentary_thread => $eprint->in_thread( $commentary_field ), preview => $preview, }; my %fragments = (); # Add the following lines to activate KULTUR abstract pages if( defined $repository->config( "kultur" ) ) { my $ktypes = $repository->config( "kultur", "types" ); $ktypes = [] if !defined $ktypes; my $kultur_tabs = undef; foreach my $ktype ( @$ktypes ) { if( $eprint->get_value( 'type' ) eq $ktype ) { $kultur_tabs = kultur_eprint_render( $repository, $eprint, $preview ); last; } } if( defined $kultur_tabs ) { $flags->{kultur} = 1; $fragments{kultur_tabs} = $kultur_tabs; } } Make the following change to /opt/eprints3/archives/ARCHIVEID/cfg/citations/eprint/summary_page.xml:

() ...

Finally, run the following command and then restart apache: $ cd /opt/eprints3 $ bin/epadmin refresh_abstracts ARCHIVEID 5 KULTUR Slideshow (optional) ----------------------------- To add a slideshow of 10 random images from your repository, make the following change to /opt/eprints3/archives/ARCHIVEID/cfg/lang/en/static/index.xpage: To periodically change the contents of the slideshow, create a cron job that will update the page, for example every 2 hours: 0 */2 * * * /opt/eprints3/bin/generate_static ARCHIVEID